Monday, March 2, 2009

25 Random things about me

  1. My favorite number is 25! :D 5x5 is 25. How perfect is that?lol
  2. I'm lazy. I'm not really proud of it but that's me. Sometimes I'm known to be the greatest slacker in our office. People even kept on asking why I don't have a girlfriend. My answer: I'm too lazy.
  3. I love diving, swimming and snorkeling! Playing around with water is so much fun for me.
  4. When I was in kindergarten, I always dreamed of becoming a pilot someday. Dream high! Flying high is literally high. lol
  5. I love my mom and my sister. These two people are the most important girls in my life. Even though my mom seems very unreasonable, I still follow her advice. On the other hand, I treat my sister like a princess (which I think is a bad thing).
  6. I'm a certified DotA addict. My addiction started 3 years ago and I'm enjoying it. You can find me playing in Blueskies Computer Cafe along Katipunan during the weekends.
  7. I drink any kind of liquor. Beer, vodka, whiskey etc. Thanks for the training call center people.
  8. I started watching porn when I was 14.
  9. I used to be a Church worker. I was pretty much involved in the music ministry way back in high school. I also taught children in Sunday school when I was younger.
  10. I have 4 impacted wisdom teeth (which all need surgical extractions).
  11. I don't give a fuck when people see me as a geek.
  12. I want to work for Pixar as a multimedia artist... But that dream will be just a mere dream because I'm stuck with seo, programming and web development.
  13. I treat my office colleagues like my own family.
  14. I'm an ex-hunk. T_T I want to go back to the gym and lift that 180 lbs on bench press. :D
  15. I love Adobe products. Though I'm a fan of open source programs, I can't create something nice without Photoshop and Illustrator.
  16. I prefer Pony over Chuck tailors.
  17. At the moment, I have a crush on Taylor Swift. When I saw her love story music video, my heart melted. lol
  18. I'm a big fan of Japanese culture and art. Thanks to Japanorama for making a very informative video.
  19. I love Japanese and Chinese food. I wish I could make my own sushi.
  20. I recently discovered that girls who tease me that I'm a fag actually has a crush on me. Hohohoho
  21. I find talking about shit stories funny especially during drinking sessions.
  22. I seldom drink coffee. SO! If you will treat me in Starbucks, you know what I want. :D
  23. When I listen to music, I really don't care much about the lyrics/meaning of the song.
  24. I'm more of a nocturnal person. Feels like insomia-aa-aah!
  25. I'm impatient. I don't want to wait. I want to do things as quickly as possible. I also tend to think of other ways to make things faster.


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