Saturday, August 27, 2011

Need help? Check out Prodex

Click the image to view the site
Nigma and Cawk did a very good job in creating a very useful website - prodex. It's graphically beautiful. It's flash based but is very fast to load.

It doesn't have too much information though to become a pro but it's a good start for newbies. I'm highly recommending for you guys to check out this project.

The site has a basic grasp of the heroes, item builds and their roles. What I love the most there is the warding guide. It's really really helpful.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Flux - a potential in tournaments?

I'm seeing a very big potential of Flux in Tournaments. There are a lot of heroes that could prove a good synergy with his ulti. Some examples that I can think of:

Flux + Kraken + Bombardier

Flux + Plague Rider

Flux + Tempest

Flux + Pyromancer + Pebbles

Flux + Engineer

Flux + Bubbles + Hellbringer

There are a lot of options. What do you guys think?

Geomancer Hero Spotlight

After months of waiting, the second community created hero, the Geomancer, is finally here! Designed by community members Phopis and Chibbi, the Geomancer is a mobile, subterranean hero with strong team-fighting and ganking abilities.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Get out of 1500 PSR/MMR! | How to increase your MMR/PSR to 1600-1700 level

I hate playing 1500 games that's why I decided to write this post. This post is just a rough guide to get out of the so called black hole. Why black hole? There are a lot of noobs around in 1500 that are dragging you down baby! Hopefully, this article would help you get out of the black hole and play with better players in 1600 and 1700 psr.

Let's get started.

1. Check your ping. Typing the command '/ping' will show your ping. Why does this matter? Because your ping affects your game. If it's laggy, and you still insist to play the game, try picking heroes that are just support and not carries. Typing the command '/pa' will show everyone's ping. Make sure that you check this in every game especially in Match Making to ensure that you have a playable ping and of course so that you will enjoy playing the game smoothly.

2. Choose Wisely. Victory starts in picking your heroes right. In tournaments, even if the better team has a higher skill rating than the other team but if they were out picked by the opposing team, the outpicked team has a lower chance to win. It's the same in MMR and Public games, choose heroes wisely.

Some combo heroes/heroes that are really effective that has a high win rate:

Electrician + Swiftblade

Magmus + Pyromancer

Sandwraith + Thunderbringer

Devourer + Jereziah

Kraken + Soulstealer

Kraken + Flux + Bubbles + Dark Lady + Plague Rider

Anyway, these are just some examples that I've encountered. Feel free to comment below if you have better/greater ideas.

3. Warding and couriers. I know I've stressed out the importance of wards and couriers in my previous post.

4. Know your role. HoN for me is a role playing real time strategy game. Everyone has roles to play that they need to focus on while playing the game. Their items should also match the current need of the team complementing their roles. Here are some of the roles of the game. You may find yourself in one or two of these roles at the same time depending on the situation.

Pure support
Classic examples - Glacius, Demented Shaman

  • Don’t compete with the Carry you are babysitting for creep and hero kills. The gold many carries lose to their support can often mean the difference between losing and winning games. There is nothing wrong with taking a creep kill here and there but you should absolutely not be “farming” during lane phase under any circumstances.
  • Ward! I can’t stress enough how incredibly important this is. Your team needs map awareness to win. The earlier in your HoN career you can figure this out the better your win ratio is going to be, and in turn the better your MMR. No one else should be buying wards. It is your job. If the river isn’t warded nearly the entire game, most importantly after laning phase (when people start roaming) then chances are you will lose, assuming the other team is buying wards.
  • Counter-ward! If you notice the other team escaping ganks often, you should probably consider counter warding. All you have to do is buy a Reveal Ward and place it in the typical warding locations, then place a normal ward (if one isn’t there already) to give you site. Then kill the enemy wards.
  • Buy the courier and upgrade it! At the start of the game you should always be the one buying the courier as support. The alternative is to have a ganker or another support buy the courier and you buy wards, but you should be getting one of the two.
  • To add up, warding is not just for map awareness. It also has a timing. It's mostly crucial in early game so that you will have control with the runes and avoid ganks in mid.
  • Learn how to Creep Stack. If you don’t have a jungler you should be constantly stacking creeps for the Carry you are supporting. This means that at around the 40 or 45 second mark of every minute you should be attempting to go into the jungle and finding a creep spawn. Once you find the one you will stack you should throw an auto attack at one creep, between the 51 and 53 second mark, and pull the creeps out of their spawn until the fog of war covers their spawn. Drag the creeps behind you until the next creeps have spawned, and if you were successful you will now have two groups of creeps in that spawn. You can do this up to 3 times.
  • Pull! When the creeps in your lane are pushed far away from your tower you should be pulling. This is pretty simple, all you have to do is as you see your own creep wave approaching the last tower in your lane, you should go to the closest creep spawn to your tower (you’ll be able to tell which one) and attack a creep to pull it into your lane. This will cause your creeps to attack the neutral creeps in the jungle and pull them out of your lane. As a result the enemy creeps will be pushed closer to your tower where you can soak up easy XP and last hits, plus benefit from tower protection.
  • Stack and Pull! Trust me this is not a redundant bullet. The most successful way to pull is to first stack the pull creep spawn, then pull it into the lane. The reason for this is that many times with a single neutral spawn your creeps will simply kill the neutral creeps and then continue back into your lane severely diminishing the time you can spend under the protection of your tower. If you stack then pull the neutral creeps should be able to kill your entire creep wave, which will “reset” your lane so to speak. This will push the enemy creeps closer to your tower for a much longer period.
  • Did I mention how important it was to buy wards?

Hard Carry
Hard Carries are super useless early game. Classic examples would be Magebane and Sandwraith.

  • Learn how to Farm! This is the most important thing for a carry to do. Farm and don't get killed. Focus on getting last hits on creeps and heroes. Get a Loggers Hatchet to start out if you have trouble with last hits, or even consider installing a Creep Bar mod that will show you when you can last hit a creep.
  • Get the kill for extra gold. Ignore other players complaining about kill stealing, because you are the carry, not them. You need the extra gold from kill shots and 99% of the time the hero that would have got the kill instead of you simply doesn’t.
  • Stay alive no matter the cost! Don’t go off trying to save your support early game because it puts you in a very vulnerable situation. In Filipinos we say ikaw ang alay! The support will be the sacrifice for you. Unless you know for a fact that you can do so safely of course, but remember that one of the biggest reasons for having a low KDR as a carry is because of misjudging when you can and cannot win a fight.
  • Avoid ganking as much as possible. If you want to kill the person in your lane, ask a support hero to help you out. You can start controling the map more once you have your core items.
  • Encourage your support to pull and stack. Don’t scream or rage at them if they are not doing this or sound that you're just trolling. Just ask them nicely and in a very positive manner. Most of the time they will as long as you don’t tell them they suck at HoN 2 minutes into the game.

Semi carries are carries that can be gankers as well. Classic examples would be valkyrie and Wretched Hag

  • Here simply combine what carries and gankers do. 
  • If you're a tanky semi-carry. Let's say pestilence or hammer storm, you still need to farm and gank at the same time. The question is when! well you need more coordination with your support with that.


  • Dont kill-steal (ks) the carry! For example, if Chronos is one hit away from killing an enemy hero don't use Witch Slayers' Silver Bullet to kill it. This is a surefire way to lose games. The carry needs the gold to be successful, you don’t. You just need experience not gold.
  • Always carry a Teleport Stone. This applies to every role, but is extremely important for a ganker.
  • Shadow your carry. Sometimes witch slayer or glacius will just stick not far behind a carry who is farming. That's an antigank play. You keep your carry alive.
  • Feed your carry if you can. Lets use the Witch slayer example again. If instead it was you who was close to killing the enemy hero and Chronos comes in and starts attacking that hero and will surely be able to kill them, then let Chronos have the kill, don’t use your ult to take it before he can. It doesn’t matter if you were the one who did all the work to kill the hero, the carry simply needs the gold to win.
  • Don’t tower dive. Most cases of feeding on a team are due to either support, which is understandable because they need to protect their carry, or by gankers. If you can’t safely pull off your gank then abort the gank. Simple. It's all about wise judgement based on the burst damage that you can give.
  • Map awareness. You should be helping the support ward and counter ward if possible to have better map awareness. This will greatly increase your chances of having a successful gank without dying.


  • Stay in the battle. With exception of the INT initiators like Tempest you should be staying in the battle always the reason for this is you should be the hardest hero on your team to kill. As the initiator the other team will target you first, so you need to be there to suck up some damage for your team while they focus down the other teams carry and win the battle. I hate it when a tree just farms in the neutrals and won't join team battles even if his ulti is up.
  • Stay out of battle as an INT Initiator. If you are playing Tempest you should place your Ult just right to initiate, use your other spells, then get out of the middle of the battle.


  • Tankers are hereos that are meant to take damage while hitters are killing most of the team.
  • Don't be afraid to die in the battle if it means winning the clash.
  • Farm for early tanking items. Don't be ashamed to farm because you also need some cash.

5. Communication

HoN is a real time strategy game. Everyone needs to communicate with one another to reach the common goal - to win the game. Some ganks fail because of miscommunication. Some carries feed because no one advises if someone is missing. You might want to buy a headset for optimum game play. I've posted an article about it here.

6. Map Awareness

Most of the best carries that I know have this trait. They have some sort of 'spider sense' because they know where the enemies are. I think this is more of an experience thing. They already know the pattern on how most people play. But for very inexperienced players, you should simply ward to do this and become successful.

7. Jungling Strategy - I know I mentioned this in one of the roles of support heroes but I will write a more extensive post about this. Jungling strategy is all about:
-creep pulling
-creep stacking
-creep pulling and stacking
-picking jungling heroes

I think this is about it. If you have any suggestions or would want to contribute, feel free to do so.

HoN Garena Homepage Video

HoN Garena is under maintenance so I decided to check out some updates from HoN Garena's website. I'm really hoping that they will release master of arms today! Anyway, I enjoyed watching the vide below that can be found in HoN Garena's website.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Dota2 International Tournament Championship Replays | Best of 5 between EHOME and Na'Vi

Hey guys, here's the compilation of the replays in the championship matches. The championship is a best of 5 but there are only 3 replays here. Why? Well, the first game was not played because Na'Vi has one point advantage. And for the rest, just watch the replays and you will know why. :p

Anyway, I've watched all the replays and they're all fantastic! I love the way how Na'Vi chose their bans and picks and the way their support heroes help their carry.
Game 2:
Here, EHOME won a big victory. Doom + Tree sprout + venomancer's ulti = insta kill
Game 3: We'll Na'Vi kinda answered back.
Game 4: It's over. Na'Vi secured the crown.
So that is it. Let's all continue playing to be more competitive and be like them. I still wish Mineski could have won in the losers bracket though.

Dota2 International Tournament Results

Hail to the Champion Baby!
The tournament ended yesterday with all the smiles coming from all the top teams. After 5 days of pure action competitive gaming, Na'Vi completely dominated everyone including the big EHOME from China. The team Na'VI started out with a big advantage since they're came from the Winner's bracket. EHOME won the first match to even out that advantage but then Na'Vi retaliated with two straight wins securing their victory in the tournament.

Most of the top teams won't go empty handed. EHOME takes home USD 250,000...Scythe from Singapore received USD 150,000. You can check how much the other teams received in the picture below. All in all, there's a total of USD 1,600,000 given to all the top teams. Congratulations! That's a lot of money. As a Filipino, 1M USD is like PHP 43,000,000! Enough to buy a house and a car! OMG WTF!
the runner ups. Better luck next time >.<

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dota 2 Hero List

Due to popular demand, I will post the Hero List of Dota2.. This is pretty much the same as DotA 1 though. There's no big difference except for the portraits :p

Based on the image, the heroes are: (from left to right)

Strength Heroes:

  • Earthshaker
  • Sven
  • Tiny
  • Beastmaster
  • Clockwork
  • SandKing
  • Slardar
  • Tidehunter
  • Night Stalker
  • Doom Bringer
  • Axe
  • Pudge
Agility Heroes:
  • Antimage
  • Drow Ranger
  • Mirana
  • Morphling
  • Vengeful Spirit
  • Sniper
  • Shadow Fiend
  • Razor
  • Venomancer
  • Faceless Void
  • Viper
  • Weaver
  • Spectre
Intelligence Heroes:
  • Crystal Maiden
  • Puck
  • Storm Spirit
  • Wind Runner
  • Zeus
  • Lina
  • Shadow Shaman
  • Tinker
  • Nature's Prophet
  • Enchantress
  • Chen
  • Lich
  • Lion
  • Witch Doctor
  • Enigma
  • Necrolyte
  • Pugna
  • Dazzle
  • Leshrac
  • Dark Seer
  • Ancient Apparition
You might also want to participate in the open Beta. You might also want to sign up for your steam account now. :p Check out the official site in for more information. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dota2 International Tournament Finals

With Mith-Trust,, M5, iG, and MYM eliminated, it only leaves EHOME, Scythe and Na`Vi in the finals round. Who will be the first DotA2 Champions?

As per the DotA2 blog says:
In the losers bracket MYM was eliminated by EHOME. MYM is sent home with $80,000 and EHOME advances to Sunday’s playoff against Scythe.SG – the same team that sent them down to the loser bracket with a resounding defeat on Friday.

Sunday will start with the best of three elimination series. The loser walks away with $150,000 and the winner will face Na`Vi in the championship match. In the final match the loser there earns a healthy $250,000 but it all pales in comparison to the ultimate champion and their $1,000,000 payday.

Can Scythe.SG turn it around after Saturday’s crushing defeat by Na`Vi and rise up against the two opponents that have beaten them at every meeting?

Can EHOME rise up out of the losers bracket and get revenge against Scythe.SG and then go on to defeat Na`Vi?

Or will the powerhouse of the tournament Na`Vi keep rolling over every opponent in its path?
Well, we will find out soon enough.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Watch Dota2 International Tournament replay - EHOME vs. Scythe

Oh my God! I just can't believe that EHOME was defeated. Enjoy the replay below:

Watch Dota2 International Tournament replay - vs. iG

This is one of the most awesome games I've ever seen. OK.NV could have won easily but because of their carry's poor item choice they lost. He could have bought MKB for the weaver's Butterfly. Big win for iG. :)

Is it OK to lose? hell yeah!

I was on a losing streak this week. Looks like I'm kinda stuck in the 1650++ psr Level again. sigh

*Let me just share with you how my psr went down. My psr used to be 1800++ then my friends kinda borrowed my account because I stopped playing for a year. Then Garena made a major reset on the stats so everything went to 1500.

You can easily get to 1600 in just around 10 games. But the thing is you will be playing with a lot of noobs so you need to step up. If you lose, it's more than OK. At least you learned something. We learn from our own mistakes. You can ask the same question to great players like AngryTestie, Yoda, H4nn1, Chu etc. They also experienced big losses in the past.

So why am I promoting losing games? LOL Everyone wants to win!

Well here are some of my points:

We lose sometimes becase we experiment. I also tried experimenting on builds in some heroes. The best way to learn is to try something and try to mess it up. If you won, then you try it again. If you win by doing the same thing, you can say that it's a 'core' build. When I say core, you can do it in every game. Like in pebbles, it's tried and tested that you need a Portal Key. Something like that. Or for casters in general, I would go Bottle + Blood Chalice. I understand that this game demands adaptation all the time. There is no constant item/skill build that would work in every game.

We lose because we value our stats that much. Everyone is afraid to lose because they care about their psrs and kdrs. Some would just play one or two games. If they win, they will stop playing. Some people would just concede because they're feeding because they chose all carry heroes. Some players when playing support don't want to sacrifice themselves for the team, thus not fulfilling their roles in the game. There is no downside if you will lose today but win more tomorrow. It doesn't really matter. You will find that if you're less worried about your stats, you will enjoy more, have fun and end up learning more.

I can site a lot of examples but there's one funny experience that I really want to write about. Here it is:

There's one game where we have an all carry lineup - Scout, Aluna, War beast, Gladiator and Emerald Warden. I was playing Gladiator that time. Everyone was feeding because our enemy is kinda balanced their heroes were - Fayde, Pyromancer, Zephyr, Dampeer, Flint beastwood.

It has been 30 minutes and Aluna still doesn't have items. Scout has a runed axe while our WB only has shrunken and abyssal skull. We're still losing in clashes, everyone wants to concede. I tried explaining to them how big our chances are when we are playing defensive. Good thing they believed me. Started warding and playing defensively. The other team is very cocky so by the 50th minute of the game, we were able to win two clashes. Two genocides. Got kong and won the game. :)

We lose because we don't wanna be blamed by others. All of us don't wanna be called noobs or to be blamed because we didn't do what was expected from us. But sometimes, it's ok to be blamed (just think that it takes 5 to lose). At least you know what to do next time. Some players don't want to be blamed so they just take it to the exteremes. E.g. you're playing carry and you will just farm for 40 minutes before hunting. Or you're playing support. E.g. Tempest. You will blink in if you can only get 4 in your ulti. But by the time you got in, your team mates already fell. LOL I guess, the moment you see the opportunity to help your team mates, just go for it.

So! I guess after reading this post, just go out and play and have fun. You may lose tons of games but the more you lose, the more you learn. By the time you lost a lot you've gotten better!

Watch Dota 2 International Tournament replay - MYM vs M5

I've been a huge fan of MYM. I can't believe they lost to the Russian M5s.

Watch Dota2 International Tournament Replays - EHOME vs TyLoo

This is already the Quarterfinals so these are really big teams that are clashing at each other. Here are their picks...


  • Spectre
  • Sand King
  • Lina
  • Beastmaster
  • Puck


  • Lich
  • Venomancer
  • Doombringer
  • Weaver

Looking at the picks, it's obvious that EHOME would go for a 4-1 play. Let's see if the opposing team can counter it.

Watch Dota 2 International Tournament replay - EHOME vs Mineski.Infinity

Just another match in the tournament. Mineski should really improve their game and adopt to the international gameplay.

My thoughts on this match:

Good picks from both teams.

Nice start for EHOME. Bloodlust on mid and then killed Sandking at bottom.

Bad choice from Mineski to just pressure top and let the other lanes be ganked. Every time Mineski is trying to gank, it's almost a failure.

We can really see a huge difference in the experience and how they utilize their picks. I guess Mineski is just trying to farm and evade clashes but EHOME has just too much experience in ganking and making the most of Keeper's teleport and Raijin's ulti. EHOME has just too much map control.

The score ended with a 44-11 score. This only shows how much difference there is between the teams. Mineski should do more LAN sessions or some scrims with other people in SEA or if possible in EU.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dota 2 International tournament replay - Group Stage - TyLoo vs OK.Nirvana.Int

It was fun to watch the replays from the ongoing tournament. I missed some matches and I will be sharing them here in this blog. Have fun watching these two top teams.

Dota 2 Trailer

What does a hero truly need? It depends on the hero basically...

On a side note, I want to apologise if most of my posts were about DotA2.

HoN PSR Boosting and Accounts

I believe I wrote something in the past about PSR farming. I can't believe that it's still happening right now. Take a look at this URL -

You guys should avoid these kinds of sites. I'm actually now more inspired to write articles about tips on how to increase your psr and mmr. Will be posting about it within the week.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Watch DotA 2 Championships Now!

Wow! DotA2 has taken DotA to another level. Hindi pa nga narerelease may tournament na!

Lots of top teams participated: MYM, GosuGamers,M5 and EHOME to name a few. Some bad news though, the team who represented our country -Mineski.Infinity already lost 2 games but we shouldn't stop supporting them.

Here's the link to the live stream:

For more information about the tournament, the results, schedule and team who will be participating, please check out their site:

New Dota2 Leaked Photos/Screenshots

To be honest, I'm still intrigued by the leaked photos but I think there will be fans in HoN and LoL who will remain loyal. Looking at the graphics, it's almost the same level as HoN.

Is that the new 'Kongor'?

Secret Shop
Vengeful Spirit

Hero List

I saw this .GIF image in one of the forums. Well, I think this won't be happening too soon. 
whoever did this is surely a hater :p

Let's take a look at the positive side of three big innovated companies who developed DotA based games. 

This means:
  • More tournaments
  • More players
  • More fun
So I guess, let's just wait for it to be released. See how the gaming community would respond.

HUGE UPDATE: I was watching Chu's Channel and saw that he's actually an observer in a live DotA 2 Match. If  you're reading this post right now, come and watch with me!

Watch live video from chustream on

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Collection of Free and High Quality HoN Wallpapers

This post will just basically contain all of the best HoN Wallpapers that I can scour over the internet. If you've seen some of the good ones as well, feel free to comment below.


Adromeda Wall Paper

Behemoth vs Andromeda and Rampage
Dr Repulsor
Fayde 4x3
Fayde 16x10
Wretched Hag 4x3
Wretched Hag16x10
Hellbourne 4x3
Hellbourne 16x10
Forest of Caldavar
Corrupted Disciple
Witch Slayer
Legion 4x3
Legion 16x10
MageBane 4x3

MageBane 16x10
Glacius Vs Maliken
Puppet Master 4x3
Puppet Master16x10
Sachi Swiftblade 4x3
Sachi Swiftblade16x10
Gaylord Vindicator 4x3
Gaylord Vindicator 16x10
Mesmerizing Moon Queen
Hot Andromeda
Pestilence VS Zephyr

That's all for now. I will be updating this page as soon as I get to see more hot HoN wallpapers out there.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Wards and Couriers... Do we really need them early game?

The answer is obvious. It's important noob!

Support players who don't play support really annoys me so I decided to repost this. A lot of people are still not doing this even in pubs. I mean a public game is supposed to be just to have fun. Well define fun in HoN. If you're losing, it's not much fun right? Even if you're killing everyone like hell, getting an immortal and all that but still lose feels bad.

So let me just say please read on to S2Nigma's reminder to the community about the importance of early warding + courier. This should be done in pubs to improve the level of game especially in SEA.

Here's the tip from S2Nigma:

Dear Heroes of Newerth community,
It has come to my attention that a lot of you think a courier does not need to be purchased at level one. Whether this lack of a courier may be due to a lack of support on your team or just general apathy does not really make a difference. I wish to make my opinion on the subject abundantly clear:
If you don't get a courier at level one, you will lose the game.
How does not having a courier guarantee you to lose the game? Well, technically it doesn't, but practically it does. The thing about not having a courier is that if you don't get a courier, the problems start as early as your mid failing hard.
"But Mr. Nigma, a good mid can win even without a courier!"
No he can't. Not if he's up against an enemy of the same skill level.
"But why? What's the big deal?"
If your mid does not have a courier, he does not have a bottle. If he does not have a bottle, he cannot bottle runes. If he cannot bottle runes, he cannot refill his bottle. If he cannot refill his bottle, his enemy will refill his bottle every time. If his enemy refills his bottle every time, his enemy has unlimited health and mana- and I think you can agree that having unlimited health and mana to be a significant advantage.
"If Middle wants a courier that badly, he should just buy it himself. Also, why doesn't he just get a bottle at level 1? Problem solved."
No. Please stop using this logic. Unlike the other lanes, a the solo player middle needs all +damage and stats he can muster at early levels else he cant compete with last hitting. It's completely unviable to go bottle at level 1. Nobody should ever have to do this.
If your team has no courier and no wards at level one, and your enemy does, you will lose middle lane against same skilled players that do. Guaranteed.
"But our team really doesn't have any Support and I really don't want to buy a courier"
Too bad. Bite the bullet. If you aren't soloing, and nobody bought a courier, you have to buy a courier. Yes, it's going to suck not having those +stats items or that buckler you should have, and yes, it's probably your team's fault, and yes, they probably screwed you over by picking those four melee heroes that you didn't need- but let's face it: buying that courier is going to significantly increase your chance of winning. So just do it.
PS: And if nobody bought wards: Buy one. You don't even need to buy two. One Ward provides your mid with the knowledge of 3 tablet spawns for the first 6 minutes of the game.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

DoTA 2 Leaked Screenshots | Is this the end of HoN and LoL?

OMG! Looks like DotA 2 will be released pretty soon this year. I saw these pictures in the net while checking for updates about the game.

Looks pretty neat. What do you guys think? Would this game's interface be enough to eat up HoN and LoL?

My Uncle, the Google AdSense clicker...

I saw this post that was written long ago. It made me smile because I encountered a very similar situation.

I have this uncle who would usually do anything to earn money. He would sell anything that he thinks he can make a profit on. He became a very successful real estate broker. Now, since he knew that I'm into internet marketing, he said he clicked all of the ads that are on my site. So I just laughed and said that I might get banned by Google because of what he's doing.

But anyway, I'm still happy that he's a very supportive relative . Peace out!

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